Review by Rebecca Hunt 21 October 2020
Hell Bunny Miss Muffet Pinafore Dress
Hell Bunny Skelli Blouse
Haven't done a review for a while and I've been waiting for the perfect weather to start wearing my pinafores.
Today I'm wearing the Hell Bunny Miss Muffet pinafore in an XL (my usual HB size, I'm a 14-16) and the Hell Bunny Skelli blouse in a 2XL. The pinafore is a comfy fit, with room to spare in the waist, it sits about an inch or two above my knees, which is my preferred length (I'm 5'1), can easily chuck on tights if you want a little more modesty and I'll probably add fishnets
I sized up on the Skelli blouse as I wear a HH bra and I wanted to avoid gaping. The fabric is so soft, arm elastic perfect and doesn't cut in at all on my tuck shop lady bingo wings

As always buying from Kitty Deluxe is an absolute joy, with spectacular service.
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